Introducing to Argon Mainnet Launch

2 min readJun 1, 2021


Finally the Argon platform is live, We are happy to announce this. A completely decentralized freelancer platform is now available on the BSC network. We will continue to protect our future plans. And we will develop NFT Marketplace for Argon.

Argon Team others are not only making announcements but also developing it. #BUIDL #BUIDL #BUIDL

There is a high demand for the BSC network. We are ready to give and develop our support to make up for the marketplace deficiencies on this network. Unlike other freelancer platforms, Argon provides the opportunity to trade with 0 commission.

Payments on argon. On Argon, payments are made in crypto. For now, you can make your payments using BNB, BUSD and ARGON. We may announce a surprise payment method soon. Stay tuned.


If you are an employer and need a service, don’t wait. Create a job posting on Argon now and start getting quotes from freelancers.

If you are a freelancer and you are tired of paying commissions to other platforms, don’t wait. Create an account at Argon and keep doing business with 0 commission, don’t pay commission to the bank, use crypto, pay much less network fees thanks to Binance Smart Chain.

If you just want to make a profit, be Approver and solve the problems in the deal situation and get Argon Tokens.

You can learn about how to use the platform from our other blog posts. To reach our guide:

Our next goal is to further develop the Argon Platform, provide work flow and create an NFT Marketplace for Freelancers.

From now on, Argon will join the NFT marketplaces.

Check out our roadmap:

Best Regards
Argon Team 💚




Worlds first and only blockchain-based freelancer platform on the Binance Chain network, working with fully decentralized and smart contracts.